Playing together, learning together

At our preschool, your child between the ages of 2 and 4 can enjoy playing with peers. That’s fun and educational! At our various locations, in Huizen, Blaricum, Eemnes and Laren, toddlers develop in a playful way towards elementary school. In an atmospheric, safe environment and guided by enthusiastic, expertly trained staff.

Your child’s development is monitored, encouraged and tracked in our child tracking system. This will ensure a good transfer to the elementary school later.

Kinderen van de peuteropvang die met elkaar aan het spelen zijn

Preparing for school

At preschool, your child is gradually prepared for school. We do this with the play and learning method Uk & Puk. Children playfully and at their own pace learn basic skills listening to each other and letting each other talk, counting, singing, words, working together and sharing.

The cheerful colored hand puppet Puk offers confidence and support in this process. He “talks” to the children and provides interaction in an approachable way.


Want to experience it for yourself at our daycare? Subscribe directly? Or do you still have questions?

This is what parents say about our preschool:

“Involved, sociable and customer-oriented.”

“Professional organization with a well assembled team that does educational and fun things with the children.”

“I find it te be a safe and nice environment for my children.”

“The range of activities is varied and broad. Together with Puk, the children experience educational adventures.”

“Reading and seeing the notebooks and photos through the parent portal is very valuable, we really appreciate this!”

Care possible for all toddlers with municipal subsidy

Does your child have an indication from the child welfare office for a developmental or language delay? If so, you are eligible for an allowance from the municipality.

Families with one working or studying parent are also eligible for a grant from the municipality. Our Department Customer Contact can tell you more about this.

A collaboration with Gooiplus Library

In collaboration with the Gooiplus Library, our toddler daycare staff introduces children aged 2-4 to books and each other. (Reading aloud) a daily activity
Reading aloud is important because it further develops many skills such as: language development, connectedness, creativity and fantasies, concentration, listening skills and it gives rise to having a conversation. By means of various activities with and around books, the development of your child is contributed to. Carefully chosen picture books are the starting point for this.

Also BookStart for parents

BoekStart also encourages parents to read to their child from birth. Children can become a member of the library for free and parents receive a suitcase full of books and reading tips. Early reading strengthens the bond between parent and child. Stichting kinderopvang huizen wants to contribute to that bond. More information can be found here: Bibliotheek Gooiplus – Kinderopvang

children sitting in a circle around a childcare worker who is reading at SKH Stichting childcare houses

Our preschool locations:

We have preschool locations that are open 40 weeks a year and locations that are open 52 weeks a year.

52 weeks:

40 weeks:

Easily calculate the net cost

Our calculation tool helps you quickly and easily understand the net monthly cost of child care in your situation.

The latest news from Kinderopvang Huizen