

3007 2020

Introduction of coronavirus app scheduled for Sept. 1

On Sept. 1, the coronavirus app called CoronaMelder is scheduled to be introduced nationwide. The app should complement the GGD's regular source and contact investigations and enable people to stop the spread [...]

807 2020

App for changing child care allowance

Parents can easily track and update information about their child care allowance through an app starting Thursday, July 2. Users of the app will be notified if data may be out of [...]

2606 2020

Minister Hugo de Jonge thanks childcare workers

Corona measures will be further relaxed starting July 1. Minister Hugo de Jonge (VWS) talks about this relaxation/scaling down of evening/night/weekend emergency care from child care in his parliamentary letter. 'I want, [...]

2304 2020

CORONA: extension of measures until May 11, 2020

Yesterday, the government press conference announced that the child care measures will be extended until May 11, 2020. Until this date, our child care center is closed and we provide emergency care [...]

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