The original Child Care Supplement Improvement Program is nearing its end. What was accomplished?
- A child care allowance app has been launched that allows parents to report changes (think a new hourly rate and a change in care hours).
- In the fall, there was a national media campaign by the Internal Revenue Service to inform parents.
- More and more child care organizations are submitting data to the Tax Office about the care parents take. As a result, discrepancies between the data on which the child care subsidy is based and the actual care purchased are detected earlier. If necessary, action can then be taken so that (high) recoveries are reduced. As of Jan. 1, this data delivery is mandatory for child care organizations.
- Personal guidance is provided by the Tax Administration to parents where it is suspected that problems may arise with high refunds of childcare benefits due to the inability of these parents to communicate changes themselves (in a timely manner). Child care organizations can nominate parents to the Tax Office for this purpose.
- A toolkit has been created for childcare organizations that includes posters and (news) releases that they can use to alert and inform their parents about applying for and changing childcare benefits, among other things.