About Leonie Loupias

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So far Leonie Loupias has created 240 blog entries.

Changes to corona measures in child care

The cabinet has decided that a number of relaxations in the coronama measures will also be implemented for child care. Below we list the most important changes for child care. As of [...]

2021-09-28T13:57:02+02:0028 September 2021|
  • Foto met een zonnebril en met woord summer er voor

Our open locations during summer vacation 2021

Our open locations during summer vacation 2021 Nurseries Our daycare centers Koelemoes and Toethoorn are open 52 weeks a year, including during the summer vacations. Preschool The preschool locations 't Houtwurmpje, 't [...]

2021-06-29T11:14:09+02:0029 June 2021|

Summer heat!

When there is a summer temperature and it is or becomes higher than 25°C indoors and/or outdoors, we take the following measures: The blinds go down before the sun shines in. We [...]

2021-06-14T16:26:21+02:0014 June 2021|

Compensation payout government around May 28

Most parents will receive compensation for child care costs during the corona closure around May 28, 2021. So reports parent advocacy group BOinK. Parents who receive child care subsidies will receive a [...]

2021-04-30T14:39:28+02:0030 April 2021|

Oxygen for the child brain

During this time, many children sit at home and spend part of their days behind screens. Well-known professor Erik Scherder explains in a Youth News item why exercise and playing outdoors for [...]

2021-04-28T12:40:54+02:0028 April 2021|

Our open locations during the May vacation 2021

May vacation April 26 to May 7, 2021 Nurseries Our daycare centers Koelemoes and Toethoorn are open 52 weeks a year, including the May vacation. Preschool The toddler care locations 't Houtwurmpje, [...]

2021-04-19T15:18:14+02:0019 April 2021|

Deferred payment from government

The SVB's site states that unfortunately it is not possible to pay the amount in April, as previously stated on the website. As long as the BSO remains closed, the payment date [...]

2021-04-07T15:13:01+02:007 April 2021|
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