The decision tree for children ages 0 through grade 8 in elementary school was updated on Aug. 20.
A few things have changed recently in corona measures. Here we summarize the changes in the new decision tree.
As of Aug. 8, new rules apply after (returning) from a very high-risk country.
Furthermore, three additions to the decision tree are needed to make the information more complete.
All the changes in a row:
- Persons 12 years and older must be quarantined for 10 days if they come from a very high risk area. Therefore, in the decision tree, “Country at (very) high risk” has been changed to “Country at very high risk” (see also Children under 12 are not required but are strongly advised to quarantine after returning from a very high risk area. They can get tested on day 5 to shorten the quarantine. A url has been added to the central government website with more information on the quarantine requirement after returning from abroad.
- When may an untested child return to daycare/school? The decision tree was missing that in the case of persistent mild symptoms, a child should return to daycare or school after 7 days (after symptoms have started) Unless a quarantine recommendation still applies. Thus, children are not kept home unnecessarily until they are completely symptom-free for 24 hours.
- In the “when to have a child tested” box, the sentence “A self-test is not enough: a test at the Public Health Service is always needed.” is dropped. Instead, the info at the top of this box has been updated: ‘In any case, when do you have your child tested
by the GGD
?’. In the decision tree, “testing” always refers to testing by the GGD. A self-test may be advised by the GGD, but only as additional testing advice, such as to detect infection earlier. - Added to the ‘which category contact’ box under category 2: ‘Are you unsure if the child is a category 2 contact? If so, call the GGD.’
Click here
for the most recent version of the decision tree.