The time has come, St. Nicholas is visiting our country again.

For small children, it does bring the necessary tension, how do you deal with this….

  1. Be aware that it has quite an impact for children to know that there is someone watching them, “someone too who comes into the house in the night.
  2. Therefore, let the entry be only the beginning of the Sinterklaas period at home.
  3. Put in the family calendar when the children can put their shoes; this avoids asking every day.
  4. Children do not have to find a present in their shoe every time, something sweet is already enough, then at the last time of putting the shoe there is suddenly a present, nice!
  5. To prevent children from already standing next to your bed in the middle of the night on the weekend asking if they can go watch, you can let them put the shoe on Sunday night, at least you will be at school on time on Monday : )
  6. Provide plenty of discharge during this period, go to the park or forest from school, let them climb and scramble, just get the excess tension out.
  7. Involve older siblings in the preparations.
  8. Do not use Saint and Pete as a bogeyman; they are no help in parenting.
  9. Don’t put away St. Nicholas books, CDs and the like right on Dec. 6; children need some time to make a transition to the next period.
  10. If you find it’s time to tell your child the true story, try to put it off and do it in the summer. The disillusionment and disappointment are then less because it is not so ´in´ the moment. One way to bring this out is to add that we also have Christmas and St. Patrick’s Day. St. Martin commemorates and celebrates the story of a person or legend, so too with St. Martin. Nicholas.


Source: Ow, I Grow!